
er Half Wit? You say you like to joke* Begins to smell like certain death for superficiality is a trillion (yes I said trill) times worse off than pretentiousness! Pretentiousness however is only slightly worse than presumptuousness. #TakeNotes Life is h-e double hockey sticks if thou doth knowest any shortcuts. Annie are you OK? to… Continue reading Dim

The Tonight Show


My Name Is


It Takes A Brothel

These days, taking sides on a subject is unfeasible unless you desire to be torn by an opposing party, doggedly passionate about her own views. How united do we really stand? What stand should we take as Americans? Accept the vapid ideology that fear-mongereriner Trump is just one single joke. Matriarchy? I don’t comprehend how to… Continue reading It Takes A Brothel




These days, comedians / comediennes never get on RADIO or TELEVISION & talk about their 1st stand up performance. I consider this one of the great ironies of life. Instead gurus lecture the amateurs, hectoring us about “timing” or “executing” your “material”. We all freely use phrases & terms that a generation ago, nobody would… Continue reading Disenfranchise

Role Models

When did you know you were funny? A question comedians are always asked which is like a screw-driver to the temple in attempting to rile a formidable reply. If you know anything about me, know I always change that answer (which got me kicked off TWTCL podcast.) I just arrived home from an Induction Ceremony… Continue reading Role Models

Ramzy Sweis You Can’t See God CSN Finalist

Chicago Screenwriter’s Network Finalist. 1/9/11. On the cover of June 2011 Creative Screenwriting Magazine: http://02e4d4a.netsolhost.com/creativescreenwriting/digital/2011.may-june/index.html. (Pgs. 50 & 51 for full story.) source

I Never Repeat A Joke

Best Comic EVER? Or Napoleon Complex? source

Ram v.s. Bikers

11/28/12 source

#45 Ram/Tinfish ROAST

Scroll to 2:45 to see Tinfish break the rail! 2nd Roast. 1st has 3K hits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS2Fdzt7XH0! source

The Real Patch Adams

It’s democratic.  If you’re good you’re good.  You can become a celebrity overnight.  What defines a professional?  Did Jesus practice in becoming a preacher or hired as a spokesperson or have a degree in public relations?  No he was born with it.  It was a gift.  It [still] is a gift. The door to your house… Continue reading The Real Patch Adams