The Depressionist

I once hoped standup comedy would offer up a master key to the differences between various comics. A number of well-known & not so well-known hybrids. The genes that vary between most also tend to vary most within chuckle huts. Carefully sculpted to engage the machinations of turbulence.


The transient decay under the umbrella tree of knowledge.

Let’s concrete the stakes: Humor are the worker bees of art (the cockpit of memory), from ferrying the sublime to kick-starting reactions, strung together in chain commands, folded fiendishly.

A well-worn metaphor is the lock & key, accommodating one another (less a key in a lock than a negotiation on the fly), bestowing pale moonlight. A dynamo picture camera reconciling a wide terrain of narrow specifications. A grind for somnophiliacs. Suspects encroaching on thy turf on the hunt for clapter.

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