Retribution for those who Rebuke: An exposé

The word retribution comes from the Latin word retribūtiō, which means “recompense, repayment”. It first appeared in the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Christian Bible, as well as in City of God by St. Augustine of Hippo, and writings of other Latin church fathers.

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” is an example of retribution. The biblical concept of giving back what’s due, either reward or punishment. Whereas rebuking vile acts in the name of goodwill intends to correct someone’s behavior, attitude, or actions. The concept of both retribution and rebuke are closely tied to discipline, correction, and the pursuit of righteousness.

This leads me to ask … Why is it open Mic and not open Jim? If One does so called “open mic” for an hour isn’t that technically a loophole in the system for a stand up comic standing sentinel to manufacture Our own comedy special?