On Directing An Audience of Light-Bulb Shaped Walnut-Sized Brains

The inhibition of cortical frontal areas stops during laughter.

Due to the interdisciplinary nature, or neuroanatomy, brain imaging MRI & PET scans prove [how] humor is realized.

Production involves Duchenne + voluntary. The former stimulates the amygdala, thalamic (gray) matter + brain-stem. Voluntary laughs fan the premotor opercular in the temporal lobe – moving to the motor cortex then pyramidal tract—involving facial muscles, respiratory actions, ACC, globus pallidus, floor of the third ventricle, & most recently left superior frontal gyrus.

The Duchenne smile twists, curls, upturns the mouth’s corners plus the orbicularis oculi (forming crow’s feet); described, also, as “smizing”, or “smiling eyes”.

The Pan Am smile, also known as the “Botox smile”, is the name given to a fake smile, in which only the zygomatic major muscle contracts to show politeness. However chronic injections to deal with eye wrinkles paralyzes optic nerves.

The joke is the answer for all of my creation.

The fallible declaration of Infallibility. Carnal slosh.

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