5 Signs You’re A YouTuber

Time spent on mobile devices has grown to 199 minutes per day on average, surpassing time spent with the TV, which is a flat 150 minutes per day.

No wonder YouTubers see it as a shootout competition: You’re given a set time & narrative parameters under which all the pressure gravitates towards an imaginary pebble in your shoe. One production may make all the difference for prospects.

Being a success does not take a night or a year & then forget about it. A YouTube channel is light years from the propensity of the production & costs of a major TV network, but emulating that frame of mind helps understand the requirements. In a close-up, the audience is only inches away & your face becomes the stage.


  1. Do you accuse yourself of planting drugs ON YOURSELF anytime you hear a police siren?
  2. Do you know of a grammar nazi who bestows their reverence amongst your peers, keeping everyone from maintaining dialogue?
  3. You are a new-age hippie- frog-leap from the 60’s.
  4. Is sitting on the couch a sin to you?
  5. Are your YouTube subscribers people in your immediate family & do they call you out in public among ancestors from generations ago & countries farther away than a 12 hour plane-ride? I have a total of 13,000 relatives whom help me digest acidic feedback, the lashing of group rejection, at the same offering ideas outside of your peripheral. It can spawn family reunions, birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, like my own channel circa 2010.

YouTube makes “bad publicity” “bad publicity.” The kind that gets best friends ostracized from a community; disowned. YouTube perfectly contrasts tradition with desecration, granting monetization if you cater to mainstream media & create a demographic. I come from a traditional, wealthy family. I regulate wealth while others perceive me as a brat. My entire life force exists, & depends, on my digital prosperity against the consummation of content.


Fear of Rorschach is a common phobia, yet, unlike other fears — of height, of water, of the dark — it is seldom discussed, perhaps because so much popular culture, from The Iliad to Saw V, pivots upon this fear. Perhaps it is assumed: of course you are afraid of being faceless. Who wouldn’t be?

Marketing is no longer about pushing a product .. Rather it is a compelling brand story that makes an organization standout. Be a lover of deserts & a deserter of love.


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