Message from a Genie in a Bottle on a Magic Carpet

Join me on a sun-soaked bench outside a lumber shop. I have been working incredulously w/ blood as ink. Like raining frogs, you jump to the conclusion I imply red. But blood in the veins is blue. Or it could be jaundice. Which is what people used to call each other before this shitty era was labeled an “Era.”

One didn’t say “You’re green with envy.” They would be proper. Punctual. Plumb prim! “You’re jaundice with envy.”

Plant your seeds, but remember, you are also responsible for proper cultivation.

Back to the equation at hand: Do you believe in stick figures? Or do you turn your nose when asked to take culture out of context? Maybe cause you only speak one language or perhaps you never left the country? You are a sum total of your experiences or “a product of your environment.” You are your own religion. You are your own benefactor. Even the word “credence” is the small side table, shelf, or nook in a church for holding the elements of the Eucharist before they are consecrated.

I stick out like a neon flower blooming against the gray, concrete jungle & cratered construction sites of greater Los Angeles. Standing on the corner, I glow brighter than the crosswalk sign flashing above me, though what exactly my flamboyant style signals is still uncertain. I’m an animé beaming with life, standing in vivid contrast against the drearily dressed business folk surging up the street, heads bowed. A huge smile always spread across our faces because our poker face is our Joker face.

I see the unfortunate results of mindless behavior everyday now in adults with the attention spans of children. It wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t until technology made escape way more accessible, that we found our habits in a metamorphosis to make us “bubbly,” perpetually on the edge of breaking into laughter – on the verge of cracking a joke – on the brink of a grin. Sway the relishing of being manic. You can imagine this entire column constructed of Dominoes.

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